Members of the parish are asked to regularly support the life and ministry of St. Joseph Parish. Each family or household is asked to contribute to the operating expenses of the parish by means of the Sunday offering, according to the principles of good stewardship.
Good stewardship recognizes that everything we have--our lives, faith, loved ones, material possessions and more, come to us from a loving God; one of our responsibilities as disciples of Jesus Christ is to return a portion of what we have received back to God.
Sunday Offering Envelopes provide a means for parishioners to financially provide for parish operating expenses and our many parish ministries and programs. Packets of contribution envelopes are mailed every two months to those registered members who have requested them. The weekend offertory is reported in the bulletin the following weekend.
Automatic Electronic Giving is an option some parishioners use to make their donations. This program is administered by our office personnel/bookkeeper and does not incur fees associated with some electronic programs; 100% of the donation is received by St. Joseph Parish. Those who choose the Automatic Electronic Offering Plan authorize the parish to receive their specified contributions for the weekend offertory, diocesan and national collections. The enrollment form is available in the parish office.
Parish Charities Parish Charities help to support the Parish Charities and St. Vincent de Paul Society. Both provide food, shelter, utilities, and miscellaneous needs for the parish community as well as the Wenatchee Valley Community. Parish Charities, Building Fund, Improvement Fund, and School Support are listed on the yellow envelope in your offertory envelopes. You may choose any or all of them.
Building Fund Envelopes (green color) are available in narthex or in parish office.
Improvement Fund Envelopes (purple color) are available in narthex or in parish office.
School Support Envelopes (pink color) are available in narthex or in parish office.