End-of-Year Statements
End of the year statements were sent out by mail this past week. If you did not receive one, please contact the parish office. Thank you to everyone who faithfully and generously contributed to St. Joseph Parish. If we do not have your current email or mailing address, please contact us at (509) 662-4569 to update your information.
Estados de cuenta de fin de año
La semana pasada se enviaron por correo los estados de cuenta de fin de año. Si no recibió uno, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial. Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron fiel y generosamente con la parroquia San José. Si no tenemos su dirección de correo electrónico o domicilio, comuníquese con nosotros al (509) 662-4569 para actualizar su información.
The construction crew has completed
approximately 50% of the framing, and work will soon begin on the mechanical ductwork. The plumbing rough-in is finished, and concrete has been poured to seal up the basement where the lines were dug. Progress continues steadily, bringing us closer to a dedicated space for faith formation, youth ministry, and parish events. Thank you for your prayers and support as this project moves forward!
El equipo de construcción ha completado aproximadamente el 50 % de la estructura de las paredes y pronto comenzará el trabajo de los conductos mecánicos. La instalación de la plomería ya está terminada y se ha vertido hormigón para sellar el sótano donde se cavaron las líneas.
El progreso continúa de manera constante, lo que nos acerca a un espacio dedicado a la formación de la fe, el ministerio juvenil y los eventos parroquiales. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo a medida que avanza este proyecto!
Congratulations to Juan Cruz Gonzalez, a member of our St. Joseph Parish in Wenatchee, who has been selected as one of three candidates from the United States to be ordained to the permanent diaconate by Pope Francis on February 23, 2025, in Rome during the Jubilee of Deacons. Please keep Juan, his wife Veronica, their two daughters, and their family in your prayers as he prepares to join 49 other men from around the world for this special ordination by the Holy Father. To read more click here
Felicidades a Juan Cruz González, un miembro de nuestra familia de la Parroquia San José en Wenatchee, que ha sido seleccionado como uno de los tres candidatos de los Estados Unidos para ser ordenado diacono permanente por el Papa Francisco el 23 de febrero, 2025 en Roma durante el Jubileo de los Diáconos. Por favor mantenga a Juan, su esposa Verónica y sus dos hijas, y sus familias en sus oraciones mientras se prepara junto a otros 49 hombres de todo el mundo para esta especial ordenación por el Santo Padre.
Help Us Reach Our $3 Million Goal –
We're Two-Thirds of the Way There!
As we approach the end of the year, we're excited to share that we're already two-thirds of the way to our $3 million goal for Faith Formation Center. Your support can make all the difference in helping us achieve this important milestone.
Would you consider making an
end-of-year gift to help us reach our goal?
Every contribution brings us closer to
fulfilling our vision and creating a lasting impact for our parish and school
Thank you for your generosity, which strengthens our mission today and helps us build a brighter future for generations to come.
We’re excited to announce that we now have the permit to begin construction on the parish hall basement, soon to be the “St. Joseph Faith Formation Center.”
This center will house all Religious Education Programs, including Religious Education Grades 1-5, Confirmation for Middle School, Youth Ministry, Adult Formation, and St. Joseph Middle School classrooms (Grades 6-8).
This project will enhance the spiritual growth of our community by providing essential resources and space. We are now exploring funding options and ask for your continued prayers as we move forward in supporting Christ’s Mission of evangelization. Thank you
Centro de Formación de la Fe de San José
Nos complace anunciar que ahora tenemos el permiso para comenzar la construcción del sótano del salón parroquial, que pronto será el "Centro de Formación de la Fe de San José".
Este centro dará un lugar todos los programas de educación religiosa, incluidos los de educación religiosa de 1ero a 5to grado, la confirmación para la escuela secundaria, el ministerio juvenil, la formación de adultos y las aulas de la escuela secundaria de San José (6to a 8avo grado).
Este proyecto mejorará el crecimiento espiritual de nuestra comunidad al brindar recursos y
espacio esenciales. Ahora estamos explorando opciones de financiamiento y pedimos sus oraciones a medida que avanzamos en el apoyo a la misión de evangelización de Cristo. Muchas Gracias
After several months of hard labor and love our Marian Grotto is completed. This beautiful shrine dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, stands as a testament to our community’s unwavering devotion and faith, embodying our collective commitment to honoring Mary and seeking her intercession in our lives. The grotto is located on the back side of the church facing the St. Joseph School.
We are grateful to all those who supported this project.
We extend heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Jesús De La Cruz and his company, “Creative Pool & Patio Construction Solutions:” for the generous donation of labor and additional supplies towards the beautiful Grotto. We also thank Mr. Martin Alvarez and his company “Misty Meadows” who has added the finishing touches with professional landscaping services to enhance the beauty of this outdoor space, and to Cristian Carrillo-Murillo for providing the electrical work.
FORMED SUBSCRIPTION RENEWED As part of our parish-wide commitment to ongoing faith formation, we’re happy to announce that we have renewed our annual subscriptions to Formed.org, bringing the Catholic faith right to your fingertips. Sign up for free as part of our Parish Subscription at www.formed.org and be sure to download the Formed App on your favorite smart devices to take your faith formation on-the-go! Click here for the video of the week!
As part of the National Eucharist Revival, we are offering the book “This Is My Body” by Bishop Barron for those who would like a great book to read. In this book, Bishop Barron offers a threefold analysis of the Eucharist as a sacred meal, sacrifice and Real Presence, helping readers to understand the sacrament of Jesus’ Body and Blood more thoroughly, precisely so that you might fall in love with the Lord more completely.” The books are located on the table in the narthex.
Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal Our required parish goal is: $147,178.00 A huge thank you to all those who have turned in this years pledges! Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal if you haven’t done so already, Apelación Católica Anual Diocesano 2024 ¡Muchas gracias a todos los que han entregado sus donaciones! Por favor en oración, considere su donación para la Apelación Anual Católica Diocesana -Click here for more information