"I will go to the altar of God - to God who gives joy to my youth."
Psalm 43:4
The altar server serves the priest and deacon in managing the various items needed for the liturgy around the altar. They serve the faithful of the Church by allowing the liturgy to be carried out in a worthy and dignified manner, allowing them to enter into the prayer of Christ and His Church more easily.
The Ministry of Altar Servers is open to boys and girls in 4th grade through high school. Requirements include being a registered parishioner at St. Joseph., receiving the Sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion, and attending training sessions.
This is an excellent way for young people to be involved in the Liturgy and is a stepping stone to future involvement in the Liturgy, such as Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors.
Learn More about Altar Serving
Being a sacristan is a very beneficial way to serve your church community, and an active way to participate in Mass.
The starting point for all sacristans is a deep love for the Eucharist. Under the general direction of the clergy, the sacristan undertakes the overall preparation for liturgical celebrations. Specific duties include:
Preparing the Holy Eucharist for the celebration of the Mass. This includes readying the wine, water and bread and putting them in place before the start of Mass.
Setting up the altar. Sacristans may also arrange the Lectionary and lector notebooks.
Assisting the altar servers and other liturgical ministers with directions or questions. Sacristans ensure that all liturgical positions are filled for the Mass.
Cleaning the holy materials after Mass. The holy containers for the water, body and blood are cleaned and stored in the sacristy. Everything is set back in place before sacristans leave the church.
"... their message extends through all the earth, their words to the utmost bounds of the world". ~Palsm 19:5
As the prologue of John's Gospel reminds us, "In the beginning was the Word." Christ, as the incarnate Word of God, comes to meet us and reveal the hidden realities of the inner divine Life of God. Thus, the words that the Wrod has left us aglow with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that they may continue to be living words to us even now must be treated with the respect they deserve and must be communicated in a manner that allows them to enliven the Church to whom the words are proclaimed.
"Lector" may be "reader," but a minister of the word must not just read as if for their own edification but must read so that the Voice of the Lord may be heard in the midst of His Church. This begins with being open spiritually to the gifts God offers and being aware of the great gift of the text placed on the ambo.
A lector is not simply one who reads a passage out loud in public occasionally but must be someone committed to deepening their knowledge and appreciation of Scripture.
The Lector Ministry is open to Catholics who are in good standing with the Church and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Requirements include being a registered parishioner at St. Joseph Catholic Church and atteding a training session.
Ministers of Holy Communion are to be chosen from those who possess the following characteristics: are fully initiated, active Catholics; have a deep love and reverence for the Holy Eucharist; model in their lives the love of God and love of neighbor; possess a good reputation; are willing to undertake additional training and formation.
Ministers of Holy Communion help the priest and deacon to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus with reverence and dignity. Volunteers must be confirmed and are always welcome. Must attend training sessions.
Our ushers faithfully greet parishioners as they arrive, guide people to their seats, pass out bulletins, assist with offertory collections, with other responsibilities. Must attend training sessions and all ages are welcome!
Welcome to Music Ministry at St. Joseph!
We would love to have you sing with us!
St. Joseph has a vibrant and friendly community of musicians who would LOVE to welcome you to sing for Mass.
Currently, music is provided for all 6 Masses on the weekends.
Saturdays 5 pm, Sundays 9 am, 5 pm in English
Saturdays 7 pm, Sundays 11 am, 1 pm in Spanish
Beautiful music lifts the mind towards God during the liturgy. Whether you are an adult, student, singer, or musician, consider lending your talents to enhance our music ministry.
Learn More about Music Ministry