Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth into life in Jesus. Through it comes the forgiveness of sins, adoption into God's family, new life in Christ, and membership into His body, the Church.
Please fill out and either email the form back to us at [email protected] or drop it in the mail or drop it in the black metal box under the walkway of the church entry. The box is labeled Parish Contributions but we accept all other correspondence as well.
Here are the steps to having your child celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Joseph
Become a member of our Parish community.
Is this your first child to be baptized? Are you a new parishioner? Haven’t attended a class in the last 2 years?
Attend a Baptism Preparation Class! For information about the baptism classes, you can contact the parish office at 662-4569. English classes and Spanish on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the parish library for English and 6:30 pm in the Chapel for Spanish. We highly recommend you attend a class while still pregnant so your child can be baptized as soon as possible.
Attended the class within the last two years? You are not required to attend the Baptism Class again.
Please fill out our Baptism Registration Form to register for a Baptism Class and/or begin the process of reserving a date for your child’s Baptism. We host baptisms on the third Sunday of each month after any of the Masses. To find the pre-baptism form, click on the box below.
Once we receive your registration, you will be asked to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate as well as the Godparents Confirmation certificates or if married a copy of their marriage certificate within the Church. A donation of $25 is recommended to be paid in the parish office or by mailing it in with the form.
If you have any questions, please call 662-4569.
Preparación para bautismo, español Las clases de bautismo serán los 2er Jueves de cada mes a las 6:30 pm en el Capilla. Deben asistir a ambas clases. Los bautismos se llevarán a cabo el 3er En las Misas del sábado y domingo.
Favor de traer los siguientes documentos en el momento de la inscripción
Certificado de nacimiento del niño
Certificado de matrimonio del Padrino
Certificado de confirmación si el padrino es soltero (a)
una donación de al menos $ 25