If a parish doesn't know who is out there, how can it adequately serve the needs of all -- especially singles, divorced or the young families who may not see the need to register. The active participation in the healthy and nourishing life of the parish is a consequence of our generous efforts.
Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be a GENEROUS and contributing presence for a nourishing St. Joseph Faith Community.
Registering in the parish also makes the process much easier when it is time for infant baptism, religious education registration, weddings and when asked to be a sponsor for baptism or confirmation.
Being registered as an active spiritual family member is a privilege, a responsibility and an honor, and most helpful at the time of passing from this world. That Joyful sense of belonging to the communion of God surpasses death itself and gives us solace, reassurance and peace.
Registered parishioners receive all mailings sent throughout the year, as well as helpful information about our parish and her ongoing social faith growth events, which includes a welcoming pamphlet with pertinent information regarding our many parish ministries.
We welcome anyone who wants to share in the life of St. Joseph Parish in beautiful Wenatchee. Our God is alive and sharing much love and compassion - Anyone can encounter our Savior in our community and be cleansed, purified, renewed and redeemed for a more fulfilling life. Let's share the best of ourselves in the love of God for all!