Altar servers have a most wonderful way of serving Christ through their special method of worship at Mass. As a servant of the Sacrificial Altar, assistant to the celebrant priest, and guide to the congregation, the role of the altar server is a holy one indeed.
Qualifications and Skills Needed:
There are three qualifications to become an altar server: (1) You must have received your First Holy Communion, (2) you must have a strong desire to be an altar server, and (3) you must want to be a responsible Prayer Leader. In-parish training to familiarize new altar servers is conducted throughout the year as needed and as possible. All the servers must attend our formational-training sessions as well as our mini spiritual growth retreats.
Time Required:
Depending on the number of committed altar servers, they are assigned 1-2 times per month at their preferred Mass. We ask generous volunteers to serve not preferred Masses and special occasions such as Holy Days of Obligation, funerals and weddings-but only when time allows. It is imperative they arrive 20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.
Though we formally recruit at the First Communion Classes every year, we accept applications through the year. Any serious server is always welcome. The blessings are abundant.
Contact :
Parish Office at (509)662-4569, or email [email protected]